Tomas Gray

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HordeTomas Gray
Image of Tomas Gray
Tomas' tombstone in the Gathering graves.
Gender Male
Race Forsaken
Affiliation(s) Desolate Council, Forsaken
Former affiliation(s) Kingdom of Lordaeron
Location Buried in the Arathi Highlands
Status Deceased
The tombstone In the Battle for Stromgarde, including the helmet.
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Tomas Gray once served as a guard in Lordaeron, until Arthas sacked the city and killed King Terenas Menethil II.

He was raised into undeath and became Forsaken in service of Sylvanas Windrunner where he eventually served on the Desolate Council. As a member of the council, he was invited to attend the Gathering where he met with Osric Strang; a dear friend from Stormwind who was like a brother to him and with whom they would argue over who made the best armor.[1]

He was killed by Sylvanas's rangers during the Gathering while attempting to defect to Alliance lines.[2]

His body was buried in the Arathi Highlands by the human attendees that lost friends and family during the bloodshed.


His tombstone at the Gathering graves in the Arathi Highlands carries the epitaph:

A True Friend

The helmet he received from Ostric as a gift used to be found in front of his tombstone, but it seems to have been removed at some point from the overworld, but it still appears in the Battle for Stromgarde version.


  • Tomas's surname is not mentioned in Before the Storm. It appears only on his in-game tombstone.


This section includes speculation on characters that might be related, usually because they may share a last name. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

He could be related to Calder Gray and Sergeant Gray.


  1. ^ Before the Storm, chapter 31
  2. ^ Before the Storm, chapter 34

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