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Image of Tij'allet
Title <Zev'kall Enforcer>
Gender Female
Race Ascended nerubian (Humanoid)
Level 78-80
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Azj-Kahet
Location Siegehold, Azj-Kahet
Status Killable

Tij'allet is an Ascended nerubian located in Siegehold in Azj-Kahet.


  • Spell shadow lifedrain02.png Life Siphon — Siphons life energy from the target, inflicting X Shadow damage every 1.5 sec and healing the caster for 50% that amount. Lasts 6 sec.
  • Ability rogue shadowstep.png Shadow Blink — Steps through the shadows, teleporting to another location.
  • Spell nature nullifydisease.png Toxic Flourish — Inflicts 10 Physical damage to enemies within 6 yards and applies Mind-Dulling Toxin.

Objective of


You've made Zev'kall's pheromones. There is no further need for you!


Death to you!


The general's head will... roll...

Patch changes

External links