Thunderhorn Water Well

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Thunderhorn Water Well

The Thunderhorn Water Well is located in the midst of the grasslands in Mulgore,[44, 46] by the north road between Thunder Bluff and Bloodhoof Village.

This well had been taken over by the Venture Company in order to control the water supply but were run off by the tauren.

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Shortly before the Cataclysm, the well was destroyed by a turmoil of the elements. The tauren shaman Muln Earthfury and the Earthen Ring tried to stop the disaster by asking help from the elements, in vain, until the mysterious Shotoa achieved this by forcing the elements to obey him.[1]

Cata-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Following the Cataclysm, the well was rebuilt. At some point, the Grimtotem tribe have been tainting the water supply as payback for being exiled from Thunder Bluff.

External links

es:Pozo Tronacuerno

  1. ^ Shaman (manga), chapter 3