There's a Scribe for That

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NeutralThere's a Scribe for That
Start Deucus Valdera
End Deucus Valdera
Level 10-45
Category Alchemy
Experience 15,070
Previous N Alchemy [10-45] A Mysterious Text
Next N Alchemy [10-45] Ancient Knowledge


Bring the Runewritten Tome to Professor Pallin in Dalaran.


Fine! I admit, even my considerable intellect can't translate the strange tome you discovered. No doubt the water smears made it illegible.

Say, one of those dimwitted scribes down the block owes me a favor. This sort of busywork is just his cup of tea.


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I don't have time to translate tomes! That's what lesser professions are for.


It seems that twerp of a scribe has his uses after all! Let's see what he came up with...


Speaking with Professor Pallin
Gossip Deucus said you owe him a favor. I have a tome in need of translation.
Professor Pallin says: I suppose I do owe that blowhard a favor. Lucky for you, translation is my specialty!
Pallin casts a spell.
Professor Pallin says: This is ancient vrykul script, the property of someone named "Svena". A rare and intriguing find indeed. Tell Deucus he is now in MY debt!


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