Missing Shipments

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NeutralMissing Shipments
Start Deucus Valdera
End Deucus Valdera
Level 10-45
Category Alchemy
Experience 15,070
Previous N Alchemy [10-45] Get Your Mix On
Next N Alchemy [10-45] The Search for Knowledge


Alchemist Deucus Valdera in Dalaran wants you to locate supplies lost near the water in Azsuna.


Now that we've gotten to know each other, perhaps you can lend me a hand.

My weekly supply shipment was lost when my longtime courier--you know, old whatsername--was shot out of the sky over the shores of Azsuna. Surely a hardy sort like you could retrieve my lost goods.


You will receive:


I say, I do hope you were able to locate my lost supplies. How are we to build trust between us if you won't do everything I ask?


You found them! I had the utmost faith, of course. What's a few demons or naga to one so dedicated to advancing our craft?


Near the Barrel of Fish Oil are a Mysterious Skeleton and an Alchemy Book which starts N Alchemy [10-45] A Mysterious Text.


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