Bendy Glass Tubes (quest)

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NeutralBendy Glass Tubes
Start  [Bendy Glass Tubes]
End Deucus Valdera
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Type Dungeon
Category Alchemy
Experience 16,450
Rewards 18g 28s 50c
Previous N Alchemy [45] Lining the Crucible


Bring the Bendy Glass Tubes to Deucus Valdera in Dalaran.


You find tubing formed from a bendable sort of glass. It appears as though Grimoira was using it to suck out the insides of her victims.

Its magical properties, however, would seem ideal for use on an advanced alchemy table.


You will receive:

  • 18g 28s 50c
  • 16,450 XP


What's this you have for me, <name>? Say, these are some wondrous tubes! I bet I know a way to make them even better.

I'll need you to temper these glass tubes in the fire of a dragon's breath under the light of a full moon on the equinox, then travel into the Emerald Dream and--

Oh, hold on. These tubes are perfect just as they are. Nevermind!

Sometimes I get a bit caught up in this whole adventuring business...


On completion
Deucus Valdera says: Nicely done! Patricia has a new recipe for you, <name>.


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