The Thane of Voldrune

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AllianceThe Thane of Voldrune
Start Woodsman Drake
End Woodsman Drake
Level 15-30
Category Grizzly Hills
Experience 20750
Reputation +250 Valiance Expedition
Rewards  [Headbinder's Crown],  [Tunic of the Rectified Thane],  [Legguards of Refuted Feudalism],  [Skull-Reshaper's Helm], or  [Thane-Reaper's Signet]
5g 60s
Previous A [15-30] Thinning the Ranks & A [15-30] Secrets of the Flamebinders
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [15-30] The Thane of Voldrune.


Use Flamebringer to defeat Thane Torvald Eriksson and report to Woodsman Drake at Amberpine Lodge.


Now that you've captured the flame-imbued talismans and weakened Voldrune's defenses, we can strike at its leader, Thane Torvald Eriksson.

The thane's favorite mount is an unruly proto-drake he calls Flamebringer. It is kept bound in chains in the western part of Voldrune, but with the talismans, you should be able to control it long enough to use it against the thane.

Once you have Flamebringer under your control, search the tops of the towers of Voldrune for the thane and show him no mercy.


You will be allowed to choose one of these rewards
Inv helmet 125.png [Headbinder's Crown] Inv chest leather 01.png [Tunic of the Rectified Thane]
Inv pants mail 15.png [Legguards of Refuted Feudalism] Inv helmet 123.png [Skull-Reshaper's Helm]
Inv jewelry ring 28.png [Thane-Reaper's Signet]

You will also receive: 5g 60s


Have you overcome the thane? We cannot risk leaving him in power.


Good work, <name>. I doubt any of the woodsmen would've wanted to take a crack at the proto-drake, but we couldn't afford to let the Dragonflayers build a base of power in Grizzly Hills. If only the Horde was so easily dealt with...


Flamebringer can be found on the southwest side of Voldrune. Simply talk to him to get on. He has three attacks:

  1. A long-range (50yd) fireball (no cooldown).
  2. A short-range buffet ability which knocks the Thane down (circa 8 seconds cooldown).
  3. A long range Damage over Time fireball (circa 4 seconds cooldown).

Stay relatively close, keep hitting 1, and use 2 and 3 as soon as their cooldowns come up. Thane Torvald Eriksson has a [Volley] attack which hurts both the Proto-Drake you are riding and yourself. Two of these are enough to kill you. Get out of the area hit by the volley as soon as you see it being cast.


  1. A [15-30] Thinning the Ranks & A [15-30] Secrets of the Flamebinders
  2. A [15-30] The Thane of Voldrune

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