Attack on Silverbrook

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HordeAttack on Silverbrook
Start Conqueror Krenna
End Conqueror Krenna
Level 15-30
Category Grizzly Hills
Experience 20750
Reputation Warsong Offensive +250
Rewards Choose one of:
 [Raiment of the Caged Beast]
 [Boots of Internal Strife]
 [Wristguard of the Tormented Soul]
 [Sabatons of Crushed Humanity]
 [Worgslayer's Ring]
Previous H [15-30] My Enemy's Friend


Conqueror Krenna at Conquest Hold wants you to slay 8 Silverbrook Defenders in the Silverbrook Hills.


A few hours ago, the trappers were nothing but peasants threatening to add their number to the Alliance's.

Now they've become something else... an uncertainty. I do not like uncertainties. Go to the hills outside their main town in northern Grizzly Hills, Silverbrook, and help my men crush them.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv chest cloth 26.png [Raiment of the Caged Beast] Inv boots 08.png [Boots of Internal Strife]
Inv bracer 17.png [Wristguard of the Tormented Soul] Inv boots plate 01.png [Sabatons of Crushed Humanity]
Inv jewelry ring 28.png [Worgslayer's Ring]


Have you completed your task yet, <name>?


Not bad, <name>. You might be slightly more useful than I initially thought.


The defenders are outside the village.


  1. H [15-30] The High Executor Needs You
  2. H [15-30] To Conquest Hold, But Be Careful!
  3. H [15-30] The Conqueror's Task
  4. H [15-30] A Show of Strength
  5. H [15-30] The Thane of Voldrune
  6. H [15-30] My Enemy's Friend
  7. H [15-30] Attack on Silverbrook

Patch changes

External links