The Strength of Iron

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AllianceThe Strength of Iron
Start  [Haephest's Satchel]
End Haephest
Level 10-40
Category Garrison Support
Experience 13,690
Reputation +250 Council of Exarchs
Rewards 11g 40s
Next A [10-40] Father and Son
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [10-40] The Fractured Hammer.

The Strength of Iron starts the profession quest line for blacksmiths to unlock 700 skill and The Forge for your garrison.


Deliver the satchel to Haephest.


A stitched patch along the side of the satchel clearly identifies its owner.

You remember hearing stories of a great blacksmith just north of Embaari.


You will receive:


This... this is my satchel... but how?

Did you see a boy - a young boy near this? You must tell me where you found it!

I tried to fight them, but the looters... they were too strong! They almost killed me!

Please, please....

I'd give anything to have my only son back! I cannot fail him....


Haephest is right in town, not north as the quest says. Just follow the quest marker.

Patch changes

External links