The Road to Haven

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NeutralThe Road to Haven

Riding to Haven
Start Firim[31.2, 51.2]
End Firim[34.05, 60.86]
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Secrets of the First Ones
Experience 4,100
Rewards 12g 87s
Previous N [60] A Mutual Exchange and N [60] For Research Purposes
Next N [60] Forging Connections


Ride with Firim out of the Genesis Repository[sic].


I did not expect to encounter a living mortal and a kyrian this day, but your assistance has been valuable.

Before I begin my studies of this automa core, I will guide you to Haven, the settlement founded by my expedition upon our arrival.

Though my colleagues saw fit to exile me for challenging their "Enlightened" dogma, I have no wish to see Haven wiped from existence by the Jailer.

Aid them and they may assist your efforts to return to your allies. We brokers are nothing if not transactional.


You will receive:


I can go no further.

My former colleagues and I have... philosophical differences.


Firim and Pelagos outside the town
On accept
Firim says: Come. My trusty vombata will see you safely to our destination.

Interact with Polly to mount it alongside Pelagos. Firim mounts Barnaby and rides ahead while Polly follows. The journey goes southeast through the Felicitous Glade. During the ride:

Pelagos says: The First Ones... have you ever seen them?
Firim says: Sadly, no. They are long absent. Perhaps they lie within the Sepulcher. Perhaps they went... elsewhere.
Firim says: The Sepulcher holds secrets that could be used to remake the cosmos itself. The Jailer must not be allowed to enter!
Firim says: We may already be too late. Look there! The Mawsworn are attacking Haven!

On arrival, Haven's energy shield is being besieged: untargetable Mawsworn kyrian hover above, while various other Mawsworn attack it from the Great Veldt. Firim, the player, and Pelagos dismount just north of town. On completion:

Firim says: This is where we part. Haven is just ahead... along with my estranged kin.
Firim says: They are no friends of mine, but... you must not let the Mawsworn destroy this place. May the First Ones guide you, mortal.
Firim walks off to the east and despawns.


  1. N [60] Call of the Primus
  2. N [60] A Hasty Voyage
  3. N [60] Strangers in a Strange Land
  4. N [60] Long Lost Firim
  5. N [60] Give Me A Hand
  6. N [60] A Mutual Exchange and N [60] For Research Purposes
  7. N [60] The Road to Haven
  8. N [60] Forging Connections
  9. N [60] Defending Haven and N [60] Destroying the Destructors
  10. N [60] This Old Waystone
  11. N [60] The Forces Gather

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