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The Perchfather

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MobThe Perchfather
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Race Hawk (Beast)
Level 80 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Velhan's Claim, Hallowfall
Status Killable
Pet family Bird of prey

The Perchfather is a hawk located on a rock above Velhan's Claim in Hallowfall.


  • Inv misc birdbeck 01.png Vicious Peck — Inflicts a Vicious Peck inflicting X Physical damage and bleeding for an additional X Physical damage every 0.5 sec for 10 sec.
  • Inv eagle2windmount red.png Wing Buffet — Inflicts X Nature damage and knocks back players.

Objective of


  • Bestial Underground Cleaver
  • Cavernous Critter Shooter
  • Charm of the Underground Beast
  • Fierce Beast Staff
  • Perchfather's Cuffs


  • Keeps its name when tamed.

Patch changes

External links