The Oozekhan

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MobThe Oozekhan
Image of The Oozekhan
Race Slime giant (Elemental)
Level 80 Rare Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Maddening Deep, Azj-Kahet
Status Killable

The Oozekhan is a rare slime giant located in the Maddening Deep in Azj-Kahet.


  • Sha inv misc slime 01 nightborne.png Darkness Outburst — The caster sheds orbs of void energy around the target and themselves over the next 6 sec. The orbs inflict X Shadow damage to targets caught in the impact on landing and linger on the ground for 5 sec inflicting X Shadow damage every 1 sec to players in contact with the shadowy pools.
  • Inv maldraxxusslime purple.png Reformation Nova
  • Inv maldraxxusslime purple.png Tiny Form
  • Inv maldraxxusslime purple.png Unstable Formation — This creature large unstable form grants it strength. Attacks can slowly shave away at this form but trigger a Darkness Outburst. Depleting this form causes the creature to become vulnerable for a time before explosively reforming, inflicting Shadow damage to all nearby players.


One-time warband bonus:

Criteria of

Patch changes

External links