The Ones in Charge

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NeutralThe Ones in Charge
Start Aspirant Thales
End Secutor Mevix [32.0, 27.4]
Level 10-55
Category Maldraxxus
Experience 9,050
Rewards  [Deceitful Agent's Wristwraps]
or  [Cruel Executioner's Wristwraps]
or  [Flesh Architect's Wristwraps]
or  [Corpse-Stitcher's Wristwraps]
24g 33s 60c
Previous N [10-55] Archon Save Us
Next N [10-55] Give Them a Hand, N [10-55] A Deadly Distraction, N [10-55] A Burden Worth Bearing


Doctor Hivvil
Tabulator Hymeris
Leacher Cvan

Slay Doctor Hivvil, Tabulator Hymeris, and Leacher Cvan.


They have been collecting kyrian... and our corpses... for some dark purpose.

Whatever they are planning, we must put a stop to it.

I have overheard mention of three individuals who seem to be in charge. We need to find them and eliminate them.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv bracer oribosquesting b 01.png [Deceitful Agent's Wristwraps] Inv bracer plate oribosquesting b 01.png [Cruel Executioner's Wristwraps]
Inv mail oribosquesting b 01 bracer.png [Flesh Architect's Wristwraps] Inv bracer cloth oribosquesting b 01.png [Corpse-Stitcher's Wristwraps]

You will also receive:

  • 24g 33s 60c
  • 9,050 XP


It seems one of the house's barons is overseeing this operation... and he is unaware that we are free.

We have a chance to strike him down!


Thales, Kou, Koa, Hipokos, and Mevix at the pit

On accept:

Aspirant Thales says: Those who perpetrate these horrors must face justice.

Head north into the Separation Chamber. To the northeast is Tabulator Hymeris:

Aspirant Thales says: The tabulator counts bodies like currency.

Just to the east inside the ziggurat (enter from the south) is Doctor Hivvil:

Aspirant Thales says: They... experiment on us...

Further east is Leacher Cvan:

Aspirant Thales says: This magic... What are they doing to my brethren?!

Upon defeating all three:

Aspirant Thales says: It is done. I must rejoin the others!

Head southeast to the House of Constructs proper to find the survivors hiding behind a platform next to a pit where Baron Halis is patrolling:

Aspirant Thales says: All these atrocities... how are we to trust you?
Secutor Mevix says: Trust me or don't. This is not what the Maldraxxi stand for.


  1. N [10-55] Baron of the Chosen
  2. N [10-55] Lead By Example, N [10-55] First Time? You Have to Fight!, and N [10-55] Take the High Ground
  3. N [10-55] Offensive Behavior
  4. N [10-55] Army of One
  5. N [10-55] Archon Save Us
  6. N [10-55] The Ones in Charge
  7. N [10-55] Give Them a Hand, N [10-55] A Burden Worth Bearing, N [10-55] A Deadly Distraction
  8. N [10-55] Breaking Down Barriers
  9. N [10-55] Two of Them, Two of Us
  10. N [10-55] In The Flesh
  11. N [10-55] Front and Center


During the alpha, it rewarded  [Repurposed Abomination Choker].

Beta version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.


They've been taking kyrian, living and dead, to do who knows what with them!

We need to find out what is going on here, and put a stop to it.

I heard a voice mention three people that seem to be in charge of this area. We need to find these people, and put an end to their actions.


One of their Barons is here, he seems unaware that we're free. We have an opportunity here!

Patch changes

External links