Take the High Ground

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NeutralTake the High Ground
Start Secutor Mevix [39.4, 55.6]
End Secutor Mevix [39.4, 46.7]
Level 53-60
Category Maldraxxus
Experience 7,200
Rewards 24g 33s 60c
Previous N [53-60] Baron of the Chosen
Next N [53-60] Offensive Behavior


Destroy the three enemy positions.

  • First Charge placed [35.8, 50.3]
  • First Charge detonated
  • Second Charge placed [36.1, 48.4]
  • Second Charge detonated
  • Third Charge placed [36.1, 46.4]
  • Third Charge detonated
  • Meet Secutor Mevix at the forward position.


The commander of the constructs, General Alver, is a master tactician. A frontal assault has no chance of victory against him. It will be a bloodbath.

His forces have flanked us and secured the high ground. From that position, he can rain destruction upon us unopposed.

We will take the ridge from him before that can happen.


You will receive:

  • 24g 33s 60c
  • 7,200 XP


With that ridge clear, we'll be safe to advance.


On accept of all three:

Baron Vyraz says: Mevix! Wreak havoc on those cowards!
Secutor Mevix says: We'll blast them to pieces!

Don't focus on the killing and the rallying on the low ground at the start. Head west across the field to reach the ridge. At the south end of the ridge, find Lobber Jalrax. Interact with the doodad:

Secutor Mevix says: I'll set the charge!
Secutor Mevix says: Keep them off me, mortal!
Secutor Mevix says: Done! Get clear!

While working on clearing the ridge, start killing constructs and rallying demoralized soldiers. After the ridge has been cleared, finish up the other quests while moving to the northeast to find Mevix.

Just to the north is the second:

Secutor Mevix says: This one should pack a punch!
Secutor Mevix says: We have incoming!
Secutor Mevix says: The charge is set! Get back!

Further north is the third, guarded by Strategist Ocra and a Steelskin Reader:

Secutor Mevix says: Time for some mayhem!
Secutor Mevix says: Cover me!
Secutor Mevix says: Clock's ticking! Move!
Secutor Mevix says: We've taken the ridge! Meet me on the field below!


  1. N [53-60] Baron of the Chosen
  2. N [53-60] Lead By Example, N [53-60] First Time? You Have to Fight!, and N [53-60] Take the High Ground
  3. N [53-60] Offensive Behavior
  4. N [53-60] Army of One
  5. N [53-60] Archon Save Us
  6. N [53-60] The Ones in Charge
  7. N [53-60] Give Them a Hand, N [53-60] A Burden Worth Bearing, N [53-60] A Deadly Distraction
  8. N [53-60] Breaking Down Barriers
  9. N [53-60] Two of Them, Two of Us
  10. N [53-60] In The Flesh
  11. N [53-60] Front and Center

Beta version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.


The commander of the construct forces, General Alver, is a military genius. We won't beat him with a frontal attack, we must outthink him.

His forces have taken the high ground on our flank. From that position he will slaughter our troops if we attack.

You and I are will secure the flank for our attacking troops.

Patch changes

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