Tabulator Hymeris

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MobTabulator Hymeris
Image of Tabulator Hymeris
Title <Accountancy>
Gender Male
Race Maldraxxi necromancer (Humanoid)
Level 10-55
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) House of Constructs
Location Separation Chamber, Maldraxxus[35.2, 23.2]
Status Killable

Tabulator Hymeris is a necromancer of the House of Constructs located in the Separation Chamber in Maldraxxus.


  • Inv misc bone humanskull 01.png Ossein Summon — Summons a skeleton to aid the caster.
  • Inv offhand 1h maldraxxusquest b 01.png Ritual of Bone — Summons a dark rune around the caster's location, empowering any unit in the area.
  • Spell necro voodooblast.png Spectral Bolt — Inflicts Shadow damage to an enemy.


  • Our victories in Bastion have netted a fine collection of new parts!
  • There is no surplus, all parts from Bastion are spoken for.
  • Unload these wagon, new spoils from the front will be arriving soon!
Another corpse to collect!
My parts... must be... counted...

Objective of


  • During the alpha, he was named Tabulator Humerus.

Patch changes

External links