Boat Wreckage

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AllianceBoat Wreckage
Start Wrecked Row Boat
End Ginro Hearthkindle
Level 44 (Requires 40)
Category Feralas
Experience 380 EXP (or 2s 10c at level 70)
Previous A [43] The Missing Courier
Next A [44] The Knife Revealed


Return to Feathermoon Stronghold and show Ginro Hearthkindle the  [Discarded Knife] you have found.


Running your hand along the mud, your fingers graze the handle of a knife. It looks well cared for, and it might be safe to assume that whoever was on the boat might have lost it. Perhaps the large chunk of the missing boat might have something to do with the loss.

You grab the knife, remembering that Ginro Hearthkindle in the Feathermoon Stronghold instructed you to return to him with any found clues. You get the feeling, however, that you are not quite alone in the water...


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 380 XP (or 2s 10c at level 70)


Ah, welcome back <name>. I hope that you were able to uncover some clue as to Raschal's ultimate fate, as tragic as that may be.


Interesting... I believe that this is Raschal's knife. You say you found it at the bottom of the water, along with his boat? Well, just the knife's discovery might not be enough to connect this to Raschal's disappearance; we do, however, have an unconventional option available to us to try and learn more.

Have you ever heard of psychometry?


  1. A [43] The Missing Courier
  2. A [43] The Missing Courier
  3. A [44] Boat Wreckage
  4. A [44] The Knife Revealed
  5. A [44] Psychometric Reading
  6. A [44] The Woodpaw Gnolls
  7. A [46] The Writhing Deep & A [44] Thalanaar Delivery
  8. A [46] Freed from the Hive
  9. A [46] A Hero's Welcome
  10. A [46] Rise of the Silithid

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