The Merchants' Plight

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AllianceThe Merchants' Plight
Start Grand Admiral Jes-Tereth
End Grand Admiral Jes-Tereth
Level 85 (Requires 85)
Category Stormwind City
Reputation +250 Stormwind
Previous A [85] Gunner Blastbarrel
Next A [85] They Call Him Swifthands


Speak to Angry Merchants around Stormwind Harbor and gather 7 Merchant's Petitions.


If King Wrynn thinks that the attack on the Bravery is an isolated incident, he's mistaken.

Look around the harbor and you'll see all the angry merchants who can't get their goods or money to Kalimdor. Perhaps the king will listen to their voices if he won't heed mine alone.

Go talk to them, <name>. Hear their grievances and gather their petitions before you return to Stormwind Keep.


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