Legerdemain Lounge

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The Legerdemain Lounge.
The second floor.

The Legerdemain Lounge is an inn and tavern located in the northern quarter of Runeweaver Square in Dalaran, with entrances facing both the Magus Commerce Exchange and Sunreaver's Sanctuary. The lounge consists of two floors, and a balcony overlooking the northern area of the city. It is staffed by Amisi Azuregaze as Innkeeper on the lower floor, Afsaneh Asrar, the assistant innkeeper on the upper floor, Arille Azuregaze and Mel Lynchen tending the bar, and Sandra Bartan as barmaid.


During the search for Akaari Shadowgore, the Uncrowned led by Valeera Sanguinar briefly secured the tavern.[1] It was also the place where Agent Jones and Agent Smith came to kill Amber Kearnen.[2] Levia Laurence stayed at the inn every now and then.[3] Raest Magespear was also staying here.[4]


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Notes and trivia

  • The upstairs area was called the Ledgerdemain Lounge (note the extra "d" in the name) leading to confusion over the name. It was likely just a typo when creating the subzones, or at the time they were created the need for separate subzones for the hearthing mechanics may have been required. The upstairs subzone was eventually merged into the first floor during the Mists of Pandaria expansion.
  • Both floors have a spawn point for The Schools of Arcane Magic books. Transmutation in the 1st floor and Necromancy in the second.
  • In the November Issue of Kirin Tor Monthly, it describes an inn called the Hocus Pocus Inn alongside A Hero's Welcome and the Filthy Animal. As this inn does not exist in Dalaran, it may be an earlier name for the Lounge.
  • Legerdemain is actually an English word that comes from the French "légèreté des mains", meaning "lightness of hand", which is more commonly called "sleight of hand" in English. This refers to Dalaran being a city of magicians, since sleight of hand is an essential skill for real-world magicians who wish to perform convincing illusions.

Patch changes

  • Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): The upper and lower floor subzones have been combined into a single one.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Added.


External links