The Groundskeeper

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MobThe Groundskeeper
Image of The Groundskeeper
Race Nerubian spiderlord (Humanoid)
Level 80 Rare
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Azj-Kahet
Location Skeins, Azj-Kahet
Status Killable

The Groundskeeper is a nerubian spiderlord located at the Skeins in the City of Threads in Azj-Kahet.


  • Spell shadow carrionswarm.png Carrion Beetles — The caster releases a cloud of pheromones, calling forth a pair of beetles to assist it.
  • Inv misc questionmark.png Hulking Might — The caster channels all power into their attacks reducing their movement speed by 50%, but increasing all damage done by 100%.
  • Spell nature earthquake.png Impale — The caster slams down with massive claws, tearing a line of spikes up through the earth in front of themselves. Inflicts X Physical damage to all players hit.

Objective of


  • Chitin Chain Headpiece
  • Nerubian Slayer's Claymore
  • Nerubian Stagshell Gouger
  • Nerubian Venom-Tipped Dart


Blasted little weevils...

Patch changes

External links