The Dreamer Returns

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NeutralThe Dreamer Returns
Start Lea Stonepaw
End Rensar Greathoof
Level 10-45
Category Artifact
Class Druid Druid
Experience 1,480
Rewards 1g 94s
Previous N Druid [10-45] When Dreams Become Nightmares
Next N Druid [10-45] Sowing The Seed


Return to Arch Druid Greathoof in the Dreamgrove.


Arch Druid Greathoof will be expecting word on the success of our mission, but I'm afraid I must ask you to return alone.

I can't rest knowing that Xavius has Lord Ursoc in his clutches. Just the thought of it makes me shake with rage! I'll find where he has been taken if I have to search every corner of Azeroth!

Our paths will cross again, <name>. Be sure of it.


You will receive:

  • 1g 94s
  • 1,480 XP


So, Xavius is behind this. A thousand deaths isn't enough of a punishment for that defiler!

But, you have returned with the claws, that is not an accomplishment that even I could have performed.

You are truly the hero we need to face the Legion.


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