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Claws of Ursoc

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The Claws of Ursoc,  [Claws of Ursoc] (main hand) and  [Claws of Ursoc] (off-hand), are the artifacts used by Guardian Druids in World of Warcraft: Legion.


Forged from titansteel by the titanic watcher Keeper Freya, these claws were her gift to the great bear Ursoc, one of the Wild Gods. He wielded the claws in countless battles until his death during the War of the Ancients. Although his body faded away, the claws remained, and legends say a fragment of his spirit lingered within them. After wrestling the claws away from Ursoc's furbolg followers, a band of druids took the claws to the Emerald Dream, sought out Ursoc's spirit, and returned the claws to him for safekeeping.[1]

Artifact traits

Claws of Ursoc interface.jpg


Ability Ranks Linked powers
[Adaptive Fur] 1 Reinforced Fur
[Bear Hug] 1 Vicious Bites; Wildflesh
[Bestial Fortitude] 4 Embrace of the Nightmare; Jagged Claws; Mauler
[Bloody Paws] 1 Jagged Claws; Perpetual Spring
[Embrace of the Nightmare] 1 Bestial Fortitude; Jagged Claws; Mauler
[Gory Fur] 1 Ursoc's Endurance
[Iron Claws] 1 Rage of the Sleeper; Vicious Bites; Wildflesh
[Jagged Claws] 4 Bestial Fortitude; Bloody Paws; Embrace of the Nightmare
[Mauler] 4 Bestial Fortitude; Embrace of the Nightmare; Roar of the Crowd
[Perpetual Spring] 4 Bloody Paws; Reinforced Fur; Wildflesh
[Rage of the Sleeper] 1 Iron Claws
[Reinforced Fur] 4 Adaptive Fur; Perpetual Spring
[Roar of the Crowd] 1 Mauler; Sharpened Instincts
[Sharpened Instincts] 4 Ursoc's Endurance; Vicious Bites
[Ursoc's Bond] 1 None
[Ursoc's Endurance] 4 Gory Fur; Sharpened Instincts
[Vicious Bites] 4 Bear Hug; Iron Claws; Sharpened Instincts
[Wildflesh] 4 Bear Hug; Iron Claws; Perpetual Spring

Hidden trait: [Blood Claws]


Ability Ranks
[Fortitude of the Cenarion Circle] 1
[Scintillating Moonlight] 4
[Fleshknitting] 1
[Pawsitive Outlook] 1
[Concordance of the Legionfall] 50


Inv hand 1h artifactursoc d 01.pngInv hand 1h artifactursoc d 01dual.png Classic

Achievement:  [Fighting with Style: Classic]

Claws of Ursoc.jpg
Claws of Ursoc2.jpg
Claws of Ursoc3.jpg
Claws of Ursoc4.jpg
This is the default appearance Recover one of the Pillars of Creation Recover  [Light's Heart]
N [10-45] Light's Charge
Complete the first major Campaign effort with your order
N Druid [10-45] Idol of the Wilds

Inv hand 1h artifactursoc d 01.pngInv hand 1h artifactursoc d 01dual.png Upgraded: Stonepaw

Achievement:  [Fighting with Style: Upgraded]

Complete the druid Order Campaign
 [Forged for Battle]
Unlock every artifact trait
 [Power Realized]
Research the full history of the artifact
 [Part of History]
Obtain eight rare archeological finds
 [This Side Up]

Inv hand 1h artifactursoc d 01.pngInv hand 1h artifactursoc d 01dual.png Valorous: Avatar of Ursol

Achievement:  [Fighting with Style: Valorous]

Avatar of Ursol.jpg
Avatar of Ursol2.jpg
Avatar of Ursol3.jpg
Avatar of Ursol4.jpg
Complete the Balance of Power questline
 [Improving on History]
Kill eight world bosses
 [Unleashed Monstrosities]
Complete a Mythic Mode Dungeon using a level 15 keystone
 [Keystone Master]
Earn the achievement  [Glory of the Legion Hero]

Inv hand 1h artifactursoc d 01.pngInv hand 1h artifactursoc d 01dual.png War-torn: Fallen to Nightmare

Achievement: Alliance  [Fighting with Style: War-torn]/Horde  [Fighting with Style: War-torn]

Fallen to Nightmare.jpg
Fallen to Nightmare2.jpg
Fallen to Nightmare3.jpg
Fallen to Nightmare4.jpg
Participate in Player vs. Player combat and reach  [Honor Level 10] Reach  [Honor Level 30] Reach  [Honor Level 50] Reach  [Honor Level 80]

Inv hand 1h artifactursoc d 01.pngInv hand 1h artifactursoc d 01dual.png Challenging: Might of the Grizzlemaw

Achievement:  [Fighting with Style: Challenging]

Might of the Grizzlemaw.jpg
Might of the Grizzlemaw2.jpg
Might of the Grizzlemaw3.jpg
Might of the Grizzlemaw4.jpg
Complete the The Highlord's Return questline Defeat Heroic Kiljaeden after unlocking a Challenge artifact appearance Win 10 rated battlegrounds after unlocking a Challenge artifact appearance Defeat all Legion dungeon bosses after unlocking a challenge artifact appearance

Inv hand 1h artifactursoc d 01.pngInv hand 1h artifactursoc d 01dual.png Hidden: Guardian of the Glade

Achievement:  [Fighting with Style: Hidden]

Guardian of the Glade.jpg
Guardian of the Glade2.jpg
Guardian of the Glade3.jpg
Guardian of the Glade4.jpg
Acquire  [Mark of the Glade Guardian] Complete 30 Legion dungeons after unlocking a Hidden artifact appearance Complete 200 World Quests after unlocking a Hidden artifact appearance Kill 1,000 enemy players after unlocking a Hidden artifact appearance


Notes and trivia

The weapon model
  • Rather than changing the weapon's model, changing the artifact appearance will instead change the model for your [Bear Form].
    • Based on race there are different colors of the default artifact druid form appearance. These colorations aren't available for all races unlike all other appearances.
  • Encountering Archdruid Glaidalis with the claws triggers a special conversation.
  • Aranelle comments on the weapon.
  • The timewalking Mage Tower, added in patch 9.1.5, rewards Guardian druids with a recolor of the Might of the Grizzlemaw appearance. The recolor is black with fel-green eyes and tattoos. This is the only version of Might of the Grizzlemaw that can be unlocked without having completed the Mage Tower challenge during its original run in Legion.
  • Among wild bears in Dragonflight there are those whose appearance is an unarmored version of the Guardian of the Glade appearance.


Patch changes


  1. ^ Legion: Druid Artifact Reveal (2015-10-23). Retrieved on 2015-11-20.

es:Garras de Ursoc fr:Griffes d'Ursoc