The Burlap Trail: To Kota Basecamp

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NeutralThe Burlap Trail: To Kota Basecamp
Start Brother Trailscenter [58.1, 61.5]
End Brother Oilyak [42.5, 68.9]
Level 20-35
Category Kun-Lai Summit
Experience 162,000
Rewards  [Snowfall Shawl] or
 [Snowdrift Drape] or
 [Snowblind Cape] or
 [Snow Boulder Manteau] or
 [Snowmask Cloak]
10g 60s
Previous N [20-35] The Leader Hozen
Next N [20-35] Kota Blend


Protect a group of grummles from the Burlap Waystation to the Kota Basecamp. At least one grummle must survive.

If you lose your grummles, you can search the Burlap Trail or return to Burlap Waystation and wait for the next group to leave.

  • Escort grummles to Kota Basecamp


This here's hozen lands. Very dangerous. But grummles must trek through. Supplies must reach the Serpent's Spine.

Go, protect the next wave of grummleson their trek to Kota Basecamp.

If at least one survives, good fortune will find its way to you.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv cape panprog b 02.png [Snowfall Shawl] Inv cape panprog b 02.png [Snowdrift Drape]
Inv cape panprog b 02.png [Snowblind Cape] Inv cape panprog b 02.png [Snow Boulder Manteau]
Inv cape panprog b 02.png [Snowmask Cloak]

You will receive: 10g 60s


Welcome to Kota Basecamp, friend of grummles.


Ha ha! Hero of grummles! Welcome to Kota Basecamp. Enjoy good fortune for most happy grummle delivery.


  • 162,000 XP


On accept:

Brother Trailscenter says: I show you on your map where grummles are now. Find them or wait here for the next wave of grummles.

This is a side chain. The main chain continues with N [20-35] Path Less Traveled, offered by Lorewalker Cho.


  1. N [20-35] A Grummle's Luck & N [20-35] Traffic Issues & N [20-35] Oil Stop
  2. N [20-35] Roadside Assistance
  3. N [20-35] The Burlap Trail: To Burlap Waystation
  4. N [20-35] The Rabbitsfoot & N [20-35] The Broketooth Ravage
  5. N [20-35] A Monkey Idol & N [20-35] No Pack Left Behind & N [20-35] Breaking Brooketooth
  6. N [20-35] Bros Before Hozen
  7. N [20-35] The Snackrifice & N [20-35] Thumping Knucklethump & N [20-35] Hozen Love Their Keys
  8. N [20-35] Grummle! Grummle! Grummle! & N [20-35] Unleash The Yeti!
  9. N [20-35] The Leader Hozen

Patch changes

External links