The Breadth of Dragon Weaponry

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NeutralThe Breadth of Dragon Weaponry
Start Weaponsmith Koref
End Weaponsmith Koref
Level 60-70
Category Valdrakken Accord

The Breadth of Dragon Weaponry becomes available after reaching Renown 29 with the Valdrakken Accord.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv shield 1h drakonid c 01.png [Valdrakken Guard's Barrier] Inv polearm 2h drakonid c 01.png [Valdrakken Guard's Spear]
Inv offhand 1h drakonid c 01.png [Valdrakken Spellweaver's Scepter] Inv staff 2h drakonid c 02.png [Valdrakken Bladewing Staff]
Inv glaive 1h drakonid c 01.png [Valdrakken Wing Glaive] Inv axe 1h dragondungeon c 01.png [Valdrakken Guard's Skullsplitter]


Ah, <class>. Welcome back to our forge. We have all heard tales of the amazing deeds you have done in service of Valdrakken.

We smiths serve the cause in our own way. To have a hero like you wielding one of my finest weapons would be an honor indeed!

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External links