The Bachelorette

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AllianceThe Bachelorette
Start Colin Thundermar [38.1, 34.5]
End Fanny Thundermar [54.7, 17.9]
Level 30-35
Category Twilight Highlands
Experience 27600
Reputation +25 Wildhammer Clan
Rewards 4g 50s
Previous A [30-35] Find Fanny, A [30-35] Ogre Bashin'
Next A [30-35] Words and Music By..., A [30-35] Something Bold, A [30-35] Something Brewed, A [30-35] Something Stolen, A [30-35] Something Stewed


Talk to Fanny at Kirthaven in Twilight Highlands.


Firebeard? Marry my sister!? I swear the world's gone mad, <name>!

Still, maybe Kurdran is right. A nice normal wedding would ease everyone's mind... and maybe cool off Firebeard a little. It was great to actually work together here against the ogres.

Right then! It's all up to Fanny. Something tells me she won't want to be tied down.

Fly back to Kirthaven and see if she's game. I'll finish up the nasty business with the ogres here.


You will receive: 4g 50s (or 6g 57s 50c at max level)


<Fanny throws her arms up, exasperated.>

You, Kurdran, Firebeard, and now my brother - everyone's got wedding fever!

Fine, fine, I'll marry Keegan Firebeard. But only 'cuz he's strong and handsome, with a jaw that can cut gravel and an arse like an anvil. Not for any political reasons.

We're going to need your help, though. We got a whole lotta wedding to put together, and not a lot of time to do it.


Try to get that image out of your mind...

On complete:

Fanny Thundermar says: Be sure to talk to the MacGriffs, inside the sanctuary. They'll be orchestratin' the ceremonies.

Russell Brower and Lachlan MacGraff offer the next series of quests.


  1. A [30-35] The Bachelor
  2. A [30-35] Rescue at Glopgut's Hollow
  3. A [30-35] Find Fanny / A [30-35] Ogre Bashin'
  4. A [30-35] The Bachelorette
  5. Complete all of:
  6. A [30-35] Wild, Wild, Wildhammer Wedding

After the wedding, Thundermar itself is no longer under attack by the Dragonmaw. Thus, five daily quests open up!

Patch changes

External links