Tarvim Daywalker

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NeutralTarvim Daywalker
Image of Tarvim Daywalker
Gender Male
Race Highmountain (Humanoid)
Level 10-45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Highmountain Tribe
Location Snowmane Village, Highmountain[53.2, 67.0]
Status Alive

Tarvim Daywalker is a Highmountain tauren tending to two wounded braves in a hut in Snowmane Village in Highmountain. He needs to be evacuated during N [10-45] Evacuate Snowmane, but since he refuses to leave the braves behind to die, he simply picks them both up and carries them to safety.


These braves are near death. They will not be able to move themselves.
Gossip There is no time left. Run!
So be it. Come my wounded friends, let us see if I might have the strength that is needed to carry you to safety.

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