Talk:Sanctum of Domination

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Place within the Campaign

So while the raid is out now and can be completed, I have to wonder how it fits lore-wise for characters present in the raid and in the Chains of Domination campaign. For example Thrall is an NPC ally within the raid but is apart of the chapter unlocked at 47 [Renown]. At the same time I'm reminded of how Denathrius was treated as defeated for the  [Venthyr Campaign] soon after the raid came out. Furthermore I feel that chapter unlocked at Renown 58 not being tested on the PTR is a sign of that being the epilogue of the campaign and raid. So while I'm very confident the raid is before that final chapter, I have to ask should we treat the raid as occurring lore wise just before that or before the chapter unlocked at 47 renown?--X59 (talk) 16:55, 7 July 2021 (UTC)

I've been having the same question. We know 100% at the very least that the raid occurs after we see Helya revive the Nine last week, and *conceptually* it makes sense if we can only access the raid after next week's Draka/Thrall campaign since that's when the forces of the Covenants raids Helgarde Keep that is how we access the raid. But that's tenuous and not "hard confirmation". We did get the quest this week however. HordeIconSmall Kael'thas.gifWarlockUser:Baalqliphoth(talk) 19:18, 7 July 2021 (UTC)
In general, time in WoW is flexible. When Limit saved Christmas by killing Sire Denathrius on December 23, that's not when he died in-universe. He fell somewhere between our crossing the Veil and the Chains of Domination campaign last week. Come the Venthyr chapter ("The Unseen Guests"), Denathrius will have unquestionably been defeated in-universe because quests explicitly call that out. Barring surprises in the final chapter of the Chains campaign, none of the upcoming chapters mention the events of the raid (for example "what happened to the Arbiter!?!??!?!?!" or "what happened to Torghast when Sylvanas destroyed it in phase 2?"). I suspect the events of the raid happen in or after the final chapter. --Kaydeethree (talk) 19:40, 7 July 2021 (UTC)
Everything I've seen of the campaign suggests the raid happens between chapter 8 and chapter 9. It wouldn't make much sense for it to take place any earlier than that. -- IconSmall TrollDeathKnight Male.gif DeludedTroll (talkcontribs) 09:01, 8 July 2021 (UTC)