Talisa Whisperbloom

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NeutralTalisa Whisperbloom
Image of Talisa Whisperbloom
Title <Dreamseed Botanist>
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 70
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Botanist
Location Central Encampment, Emerald Dream[49.77, 62.11]
Status Alive
Relative(s) Sylvia (sister)

Talisa Whisperbloom is a night elf vendor located in the Central Encampment in the Emerald Dream.


Sylvia / Talisa Whisperbloom <Dreamseed Botanist>
Renown Item Type
1  [Ceremonial Jacaranda Cape] Cosmetic back
 [Ceremonial Jacaranda Gown] Cosmetic cloth chest
 [Ceremonial Jacaranda Sandals] Cosmetic cloth feet
 [Ceremonial Jacaranda Gloves] Cosmetic cloth hands
 [Ceremonial Jacaranda Crown] Cosmetic cloth helm
 [Ceremonial Jacaranda Pantaloons] Cosmetic cloth legs
 [Ceremonial Jacaranda Branches] Cosmetic cloth shoulder
 [Ceremonial Jacaranda Belt] Cosmetic cloth waist
 [Ceremonial Jacaranda Wraps] Cosmetic cloth wrist
 [Barkbloom Tunic] Cosmetic leather chest
 [Barkbloom Cloak] Cosmetic back
 [Barkbloom Talons] Cosmetic leather feet
 [Barkbloom Claws] Cosmetic leather hands
 [Barkbloom Mask] Cosmetic leather head
 [Barkbloom Breeches] Cosmetic leather legs
 [Barkbloom Shoulderpads] Cosmetic leather shoulder
 [Barkbloom Sash] Cosmetic leather waist
 [Barkbloom Wristguards] Cosmetic leather wrist
 [Vest of the Dreamfused Skull] Cosmetic mail chest
 [Pelt of the Dreamfused Skull] Cosmetic back
 [Clogs of the Dreamfused Skull] Cosmetic mail feet
 [Grips of the Dreamfused Skull] Cosmetic mail hands
 [Visage of the Dreamfused Skull] Cosmetic mail head
 [Leggings of the Dreamfused Skull] Cosmetic mail legs
 [Pauldrons of the Dreamfused Skull] Cosmetic mail shoulder
 [Buckle of the Dreamfused Skull] Cosmetic mail waist
 [Bracers of the Dreamfused Skull] Cosmetic mail wrist
 [Overgrown Freyan Plate] Cosmetic plate chest
 [Overgrown Freyan Drape] Cosmetic back
 [Overgrown Freyan Boots] Cosmetic plate feet
 [Overgrown Freyan Handguards] Cosmetic plate hands
 [Overgrown Freyan Helm] Cosmetic plate head
 [Overgrown Freyan Legguards] Cosmetic plate legs
 [Overgrown Freyan Shoulderguards] Cosmetic plate shoulder
 [Overgrown Freyan Girdle] Cosmetic plate waist
 [Overgrown Freyan Vambraces] Cosmetic plate wrist
 [Overgrown Freyan Hatchet] Cosmetic one-hand axe
 [Overgrown Freyan Smasher] Cosmetic one-hand mace
 [Essence of the Dreamfused Skull] Cosmetic one-hand mace
 [Barkbloom Saber] Cosmetic one-hand sword
 [Ceremonial Jacaranda Slab] Cosmetic two-hand sword
 [Bow of the Dreamfused Skull] Cosmetic bow
 [Spike of the Dreamfused Skull] Cosmetic dagger
 [Overgrown Freyan Pike] Cosmetic polearm
 [Ceremonial Jacaranda Crook] Cosmetic staff
 [Ceremonial Jacaranda Bloom] Cosmetic wand
 [Barkbloom Warglaive] Cosmetic warglaives
11  [Elmer] Companion pet
 [Snoots] Companion pet
 [Snoozles] Companion pet
 [Napps] Companion pet
 [Seedle] Companion pet
18  [Reins of the Blossoming Dreamstag] Mount
 [Reins of the Morning Flourish Dreamsaber] Mount
 [Reins of the Rekindled Dreamstag] Mount
 [Reins of the Snowfluff Dreamtalon] Mount
 [Reins of the Springtide Dreamtalon] Mount
 [Reins of the Evening Sun Dreamsaber] Mount




Greetings, have you come to see my collection?

  • Buy I'd like to see your wares.
  • Gossip What is Seedbloom, and how do obtain it?
Have you not had much luck from the bounties of the Dream?
I've been collecting all sorts of things from the bounty for some time now! I'd be happy to exchange some with you.
In return, I only ask that you help continue nurture life in the Dream. Complete some bounties in a week, and I'll give you Seedbloom, which you can then trade with me for any of the bounty's boons that you were not lucky enough to receive yourself.
Gossip I want to ask about something else.

Patch changes

External links