Talbuk Training: Rakkiri (Alliance)

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AllianceTalbuk Training: Rakkiri
Start Fanny Firebeard
End Fanny Firebeard
Level 10-40
Category Frostfire Ridge
Rewards [Garrison Resources] (20)
30g 80s
Previous A [10-40] Talbuk Training: Great-Tusk
Next A [15-40] Talbuk Training: Riplash
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [10-40] Talbuk Training: Rakkiri.


Defeat Rakkiri while riding your Talbuk-In-Training.


Now that your talbuk has got a taste for combat, let's take it out into an environment it may not be familiar with.

The icy bluffs of Frostfire Ridge should be a good test. Find yourself a big, mean beast out there and take it down with your talbuk.


You will receive: 30g 80s


Oi! That talbuk's performin' admirably. Let's let 'er rest.

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