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Tainted Shipments

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AllianceTainted Shipments
Start Brother Therold
End Brother Therold
Level 10-60
Category Tiragarde Sound
Experience 16,450
Reputation +75 Proudmoore Admiralty
Rewards 19g 40s
Previous A [10-60] Algae Shakes, A [10-60] Pulse of the Wharf
Next A [10-60] Possessive Headgear, A [10-60] The Young Lord Stormsong, A [10-60] Betrayal of the Guard


Check 5 Barrels of Fish.

  • Barrel of Fish checked (5)


If one shipment was compromised, who knows how many of the others are.

Nearby, the fishpackers prepare shipments to be sent to the rest of Kul Tiras. We must check the rest of the shipments before this plague can spread!


You will receive:


I fear that if even a single worm-ridden shipment is allowed to leave Anglepoint, this plague will spiral out of control.


I am... aghast. How could this happen right under our very noses?


Pick up A [10-60] Evacuate the Premises before heading out.

On accept of both:

Brother Therold says: I will move to scout further in town. Pray that the people there are safe!

Barrels contain either an Infesting Mindeater or three Infesting Brainworms.

Brother Therold has made it to Keegan Alby's position further west. Approach them:

Brother Therald says: Alby? What's going on? Where is Lord Stormsong?
Keegan Alby says: You wouldn't believe me if I told you, Therold. It's a disaster.


Optional breadcrumb: A [10-60] Anglepoint Wharf

  1. A [10-60] Aiding the Wharf
  2. A [10-60] A Cure from the Sea & A [10-60] Sharks in the Water & A [10-60] Stinging Barbs
  3. A [10-60] Algae Shakes & A [10-60] Pulse of the Wharf
  4. A [10-60] Evacuate the Premises & A [10-60] Tainted Shipments
  5. A [10-60] Possessive Headgear & A [10-60] The Young Lord Stormsong & A [10-60] Betrayal of the Guard
  6. A [10-60] Paddle to Safety
  7. A [10-60] Eldritch Invocations & A [10-60] Death in the Depths & A [10-60] Deep Sea Defilement & A [10-60] Those Aren't Fish Eggs
  8. A [10-60] The Deadliest Catch

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