Tail Sweep
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- Tail Sweep
- 95% Hit Chance
- Deals 29 Dragonkin damage, or 41 Dragonkin damage if the user strikes last.
Tail Sweep is an ability used by various pets during a Pet Battle.
Used by
[Ageless Bronze Drake]
[Albino Chimaeraling]
- Crimson Whelpling
[Dark Whelpling]
[Dragon Kite]
- Essence of Competition
- Fledgling Nether Ray
- Infinite Whelpling
[Lil' Deathwing]
[Nether Ray Fry]
- Nexus Whelpling
[Onyxian Whelpling]
- Scourged Whelpling
- Spawn of Onyxia
- Spirit of Competition
[Thundering Serpent Hatchling]
- Tiny Green Dragon
- Tiny Red Dragon
- Untamed Hatchling
- Wild Crimson Hatchling
- Wild Golden Hatchling
- Wild Jade Hatchling
Patch changes
Patch 7.1.5 (2017-01-10): No longer deals extra damage if the user is slower, it will now do more damage if the user strikes last.
Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Added.