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Not to be confused with Grand Widow Faerlina.
Image of Taerlina
Title <Inscription Supplies>
Gender Female
Race Kyrian (Humanoid)
Level 51-60
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Ascended
Location Hero's Rest, Bastion
Status Active

Taerlina is a kyrian located at Hero's Rest in Bastion who sells inscription supplies. She was part of the reception the Archon arranged for a Maw Walker, who decided to join the Kyrian Covenant, in honor of their efforts against the Maldraxxus incursion in Bastion.[1]


Item Cost
Inscription items
5x  [Dark Parchment] 50c
 [Virtuoso Inking Set] 7s 50c
20x  [Rune Etched Vial] 1g
5x  [Aerated Water] 50s
(4)  [Twilight Bark] 50s
 [Sealing Wax] 9g
 [Scribe's Satchel] 50s


  • Kyrian Ah, Maw Walker! On business for the Archon, no doubt. Go in service.
  • Necrolord May you bring discipline to the realm of strife, <name>.
  • Night Fae Though you did not join our covenant, you serve a great cycle, Maw Walker. A noble duty indeed.
  • Venthyr The venthyr understand that the past is a burden. Our covenants have much in common, <name>.

How may I help you?

Buy I want to browse your goods.

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