Sweeping Clean the Ruins

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AllianceSweeping Clean the Ruins
Start Archaeologist Groff
End Archaeologist Groff
Level 5-30
Category Darkshore
Experience 1350
Rewards 10s
Next A [5-30] Got Some Flotsam?


Kill 10 of any combination of Greymist Oracles or Greymist Refugees squatting within Remtravel's Excavation.

  • Murloc Squatters Killed (10)


The big beards at Ironforge sent me here to check on Remtravel's dig the moment they got word of the disaster. Look at it! Precious artifacts washed to sea, months of tedious digging undone in a moment.

When the tidal waves hit, they demolished the murloc encampments along the shore. Good news? Naw, not with my luck. The survivors are squatting in the shelter of the ruins, and they're doing more damage than the elements ever could. Would you mind getting your waders on and taking care of things?


You will receive: 10s


I hear a lot of gurgling down there. What's going on?


Bravo, <name>! Now let's take a look-see at our new situation.

What? MORE murlocs? I swear on my stones, the more murlocs you kill, the more murlocs appear. Is it just me? We're going to need a new approach.



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