A New Home

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AllianceA New Home
Start Archaeologist Groff
End Archaeologist Groff
Level 5-30
Category Darkshore
Experience 1350
Rewards  [Groff's Tarpaulin], or
 [Hovel Digger Bands]
Previous A [5-30] Got Some Flotsam?

A New Home completes the quest chain in which Archaeologist Groff attempts to rid Remtravel's Excavation of murloc refugees by building them a new hovel to live in.


Build a murloc hovel at a site Groff marked with a flag on the nearby shore.


Can we build it? Yes we can! Just west of the dig site I planted a banner on the shore. The sand is firm and it's as good a site as any. Take my tools and the parts you collected and build these ornery pests a different place to live.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv misc cape 11.png [Groff's Tarpaulin] Inv bracer 13.png [Hovel Digger Bands]

You will also receive: 10s


How goes our new seaside condo?


Har har, that sounds like quite a heap you built there. Did they take to it? Good, good! Let's see if my plan comes to fruition.

<Archaeologist Groff watches as scores of murlocs stream down the beach, pouring into the hovel from all corners of the compass. Gradually his brows knit together.>

What have I done?




Patch changes

External links