Strike the Earth!

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AllianceStrike the Earth!
Start Ormer Ironbraid [38.6, 39.6]
End Ormer Ironbraid [38.6, 39.6]
Level 10-30
Category Wetlands
Experience 1850
Reputation +250 Ironforge
Rewards 15s
Next A [10-30] Who Wards The Greenwarden


Kill 7 Paleolithic Elementals


In case you didn't notice, the land here in the Wetlands is pretty messed up. Floods, earthquakes... and on top of it all, even the ground's got a wild hair now.

I never thought we'd be attacked by our own dig site, but sure enough, big chunks of it are now rampaging around trying to flatten any dwarf they see.

You look like a strong, strapping young <race>... mind going down there and slapping some sense into the clods?


You will receive: 15s


What's next, a volcano?


That's showin' em what for! Good on you.


Pick up A [10-30] Tooling Around and A [10-30] When Archaeology Attacks before leaving camp. Exit west down the path and make a left at the bottom to enter the excavation site. Kill earth elementals and kill and loot living fossils while collecting sparkly toolboxes off the ground.


This quest's name is a reference to the tagline of the game Dwarf Fortress.


  1. A [10-30] Swiftgear Station (optional breadcrumb from Menethil Harbor)
  2. A [10-30] Dinosaur Crisis
  3. A [10-30] The Mosshide Job
  4. A [10-30] Dark Iron Trappers & A [10-30] Gnoll Escape
  5. A [10-30] Yorla Darksnare
  6. A [10-30] Whelgar's Retreat (optional breadcrumb to Whelgar's Retreat)
  7. A [10-30] When Archaeology Attacks & A [10-30] Tooling Around & A [10-30] Strike the Earth!
  8. A [10-30] The Angerfang Menace
  9. A [10-30] Who Wards The Greenwarden (optional breadcrumb to Greenwarden's Grove)

Patch changes

External links