Strange Brew (Horde)

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For AllianceAlliance version, see Alliance  [Strange Brew].

Strange Brew is related to the seasonal event Brewfest. Completing this achievement is also an objective of the meta achievement  [Brewmaster].


These beers can be purchased by Horde T'chali's Voodoo Brewery Apprentice <Voodoo Brew Vendor>, Neutral Gordok Brew Apprentice <Gordok Brew Vendor>, and Horde Drohn's Distillery Apprentice <Drohn's Distillery Brew Vendor> during Brewfest. You can also get some of these brews from completing H [1-70] Brewfest!. Note that they only last 2 days, and will then be removed from your inventory. However they are not BoP, and will not be removed if you mail them to an alt and keep them in your mailbox.


At some point after Brewfest 2012 but before Brewfest 2013, Strange Brew was altered so that characters need only purchase the beers. Thus, characters of any level can earn the achievement. (Previously, only characters level 65 and higher could complete all the criteria.)

Patch changes

External links

Alliance Alliance Horde Horde

es:Una extraña cerveza (Horda)