Brewfest! (Horde)

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Start Orc Commoner, Troll Commoner, Forsaken Commoner, Goblin Commoner, Blood Elf Commoner, Tauren Commoner & Holiday Enthusiast
End La'gar Brewshout
Level 1-80
Category Brewfest
Rewards One of:
 [Barleybrew Clear]
 [Thunder 45]
 [Gordok Grog]
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [1-80] Brewfest!.
The subject of this article or section is part of Brewfest, a seasonal event that lasts two weeks. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year, but there are no guarantees.

Brewfest! introduces you to the Brewfest event. Orc Commoner give you the quest.


Speak to the Brewfest Organizer.


Speak to the Brewfest Organizer at the Brewfest Grounds outside of Orgrimmar and receive a free beer.


What?! A free beer? Yeah, yeah. I guess we said we'd do that this year.


You may choose one of the following:
Inv drink 08.png [Small Step Brew] Inv drink 08.png [Jungle River Water]
Inv drink 08.png [Gordok Grog]

Patch changes

External links