Gordok Brew Apprentice

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NeutralGordok Brew Apprentice
Image of Gordok Brew Apprentice
Title <Gordok Brew Vendor>
Gender Male
Race Ogre (Humanoid)
Level 1-80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Gordok
Location Darnassus; Dun Morogh; Durotar; Elwynn Forest; Eversong Woods; Shattrath City; Thunder Bluff; Undercity
The subject of this article or section is part of Brewfest, a seasonal event that lasts two weeks. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year, but there are no guarantees.

Gordok Brew Apprentices are Gordok ogres located at the Gordok Brew stalls during Brewfest.


Inv drink 08.png [Chuganpug's Delight]
10s 40c
Inv drink 32 disgustingrotgut.png [Gordok Bock]
Inv drink 08.png [Gordok Grog]
Inv drink 08.png [Mudder's Milk]
6s 40c
Inv drink 08.png [Ogre Mead]
6s 40c


Gordok Brew Apprentices can be found in several locations during Brewfest.

Zone Coords Description
Darnassus [68.2, 37.1] Warrior's Terrace
Dun Morogh [48.4, 38.5] Bottom of Ironforge ramp
Durotar [44.0, 16.7] Outside of Orgrimmar
Elwynn Forest [34.5, 51.5] Outside of Stormwind City
Eversong Woods [56.7, 52.9] Outside of Silvermoon City
Shattrath City [43.5, 49.6] Between Aldor and Scryer Tiers
Thunder Bluff [30.6, 66.8] Next to the Thunder Bluff elevator
Undercity [64.6, 7.8] Courtyard of Undercity



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External links

es:Aprendiz de cerveza Gordok