Cathedral of Light

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The Cathedral of Light in Hearthstone.
Outside the Cathedral of Light.
Inside the Cathedral of Light.

“Dear friends of the Light, you are all welcome here, in this beautiful cathedral that turns none away who come with open hearts and humble spirits.”

Archbishop Benedictus[1]

Cathedral of Light (or Stormwind Cathedral)[2] in Cathedral Square in Stormwind City is the most striking monument of the Church of the Holy Light. The Cathedral stands as a home to high-ranking members of the Church and a sacred place for all followers of the Light on Azeroth;[3] it is also the base of operations of the Order of the Silver Hand in the kingdom. It is described as an elegant and peaceful place, inviting for prayer and reflection,[4] and as a sanctuary where one can meditate on the Light's mysteries.[5] The cathedral's catacombs are the resting place of the honored dead: priests, war heroes, paladins, and others.

Priests and paladins travel to the cathedral from far and wide seeking training and wisdom from their resident counterparts, training their skills and researching great truths behind the walls of the Cathedral.[6] High Priestess Laurena is the highest-ranking priest trainer in Stormwind City, Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker is one of the foremost human paladins of the Alliance and the chief paladin in Stormwind,[7] and Duthorian Rall is one of Stormwind City's most influential paladins.[8]

While not barred from the edifice, void elves are not welcomed warmly here. They are even invited to leave as they are not considered appropriate, which is the complete opposite of the Lightforged draenei who are well received.[9]


The Cathedral in reconstruction after the Cataclysm.

During the First War, the original building was badly damaged but its vast rooms and catacombs had housed dozens of hiding refugees. After the Second War, the building was first to be rebuilt and housed the refugees in the initial stages of city's reconstruction.[10] The construction of the cathedral was overseen by then-bishop Benedictus and his then-mentor, Archbishop Alonsus Faol.

It was here that the Lordaeron Prince Arthas Menethil became a paladin of the Silver Hand.[11]

World of Warcraft

WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Following the Third War, and the destruction of the clergy in Lordaeron, the Church of Light reformed itself under the leadership of Archbishop Benedictus and his bishops, while the Cathedral serves as the main spiritual hub for the Church of Light as well as for Stormwind, humanity, and the new Alliance.

In the years that followed, the promising priests were sent here to meet High Priestess Laurena, as they had caught the attention of senior members of the Church of Light with their dedication, and were worthy to continue their training.[12] While the promising young Knights of the Silver Hand were sent here to continue their training by studying the  [Tome of Divinity] and  [Tome of Valor],[13][14] but also to be sent on missions against the enemies of the kingdom that were the Defias Brotherhood,[15] and the Scourge in the Western Plaguelands.[16]

At the request of Archbishop Benedictus, Commander Karl Philips ordered his soldiers to collect the hearts of Forsaken at Alterac Valley, in order to grant them swift and permanent deaths by bringing their hearths at the Cathedral of Light to be ceremoniously incinerated in the flames of the Light, and thus saving their souls.[17]

Cataclysm era

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Prior to the Cataclysm, Li Li Stormstout and her companion Strongbo visited the Cathedral, where the young pandaren read books on the Light and the religion that worship it.[18] During the events of the War Against the Nightmare, the part of the steps was damaged. Shortly before the Elemental Unrest, the cathedral housed a ceremony for the fallen in the war against the Lich King led by Archbishop Benedictus.[1]

Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

During the Cataclysm, cultists of the Twilight's Hammer tried to blow up the cathedral so disillusioned peasants would flock toward their religion, but they were stopped by an adventurer.[19]

Before the Storm

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Following the Argus Campaign, King Anduin brought the Forsaken Alonsus Faol to the Cathedral in order to meet Turalyon, the last living member of the first Silver Hand paladins. Their reunion was initially tense, but upon sensing the Light within the undead, Turalyon accepted his former mentor.[20]

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

The Cathedral of Light in the Vision of Stormwind.

During the Burning of Teldrassil, the cathedral and its catacombs were filled to overflowing with the refugees from Darnassus.[21] Following the fall of Teldrassil, Wounded Refugees and Mia Greymane were found here. They were being treated by Stormwind Priests.

At the beginning of the war against N'Zoth and his Black Empire, Anduin received a vision from the Old God, where the latter stood behind the Cathedral and destroyed it with his tentacles.[22] In the Vision of Stormwind, the Cathedral of Light was corrupted by the Void, and from which corrupted version of Alleria Windrunner and her followers of the Black Empire orchestrated the downfall of Stormwind. When the adventurers arrived, the corrupted Alleria killed Turalyon in front of the cathedral when he tried to reason with her, and later consumed her son Arator into a void portal before being ultimately defeated to end the vision.

Shadows Rising

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After the Fourth War, Mathias Shaw transported bodies of Alliance soldiers into the catacombs of the Cathedral. Anduin, Genn Greymane, and Turalyon arrived there to inspect the bodies. Anduin also named Turalyon Lord Commander of the Alliance and tasked him with finding Sylvanas Windrunner.[23]


Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

In the Shadowlands, through Uther's memories, the Maw Walker witnessed a discussion between him and his pupil Arthas in the Cathedral of Light, the day he became a paladin of the Silver Hand.[24]


The Cathedral of Light and its priests in Beginnings & Ends.
Class trainers
Profession trainer

WoW Icon update.png The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.3.0 but is present in Classic Era.

During A [84] Cataclysm in the Catacombs

In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

The Cathedral of Light is the Church's headquarters. A grand structure with many wings and spires, the Cathedral houses Archbishop Benedictus, the bishop of Stormwind City, and various other priests. It also contains the Grand Chamber, a vast meeting room where the council of bishops meets with the archbishop to discuss issues and plot the Church's actions.[25] Every night at sunset, the Cathedral of Light rings a solitary bell whose sweet pitch reaches the entire city.[26]


  • The cathedral has cobalt-inlaid stone halls.[4]
  • The cathedral's bell was created on the Great Forge in Ironforge, like its twin bell for Lordaeron, as a gift from the dwarves to remind the friendship between their peoples. However, Shaw mentions that this ringtone is now a reminder of Lordaeron's downfall. It rings to mark the hours, and in times of danger to alert the citizens.[4]
  • Followers of the Light pay their respects to Uther the Lightbringer at the cathedral, where a statue of the revered paladin was built.[27]
  • The Cathedral of Light has under high magical protection a copy with ordinary ink of the runes of the  [Book of the Dead], a dangerous artifact that belonged to the dreadlord Balnazzar which is now sealed at the Sanctum of Light under the watch of the Knights of the Silver Hand, in order to be able to recognize the language inside if it were to be seen written elsewhere.[28]
  • The catacombs' alcoves hold many "drop points" for SI:7: places to leave messages or objects behind loose bricks, in cracks in the wall, and the like.[29]
  • According to Mathias Shaw, many of those present for the induction of Arthas Menethil into the Order of the Silver Hand noted that the Light itself seemed uncertain whether to bless the young prince.[4]
  • According to Of Blood and Honor, the paladin-induction ceremony for Tirion Fordring was held in the Cathedral of Light. It was likely meant to refer to Alonsus Chapel as this cathedral was at the beginning of the Second War ruined / in control of the orcs.
  • There is a hidden way downstairs to the basement in the room, one on each side of the altar, entering the Cathedral. The basement (or catacombs) contains a library and a general catacomb. There are no guards there, and Alliance players rarely venture down, so it is a popular place for Horde raids. A warlock and two rogues usually sneak down there to summon an entire raid, thus taking the city by surprise.
  • Brother Crowley is still present in the Cathedral and always looking for possible recruits for the Scarlet Crusade as the Crusade's emissary to the archbishop, even though the Crusade is currently decimated.
  • The Cathedral is also the most common place for human roleplaying players to marry since it so greatly resembles a real-life church.

Film universe

Icon-film-40x16.png This section concerns content exclusive to the Warcraft film universe and is considered non-canon.

The Cathedral of Light is depicted close to its World of Warcraft incarnation. It is where the funeral for King Llane is held after his death.


Patch changes

See also
