Miss Danna

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AllianceMiss Danna
Image of Miss Danna
Title <School Mistress>
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 20
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Stormwind
Location Stormwind City
Status Alive

Miss Danna is a human school teacher who takes school children on a tour around Stormwind City. They visit the Cathedral of Light, the front gate to Stormwind Keep, and the Valley of Heroes. While walking between locations, they travel along the canals and through Cathedral Square and the Trade District.



Cathedral of Light
Miss Danna says: Here we have the Cathedral of Light, the center of spiritual enlightenment here in Stormwind.
Jimmy says: Is it true that the paladins train here?
Miss Danna says: Yes, that is true. Paladins and priests alike train their skills and research great truths behind the walls of the Cathedral.
Miss Danna says: Children if you would please follow me, we will now be going to see the keep where King Anduin Wrynn himself sits on his throne.
Stormwind Keep
Miss Danna says: Here we have Stormwind Keep. Built upon the ruins of Stormwind Castle, which was destroyed by the Horde in the first Great War.
Miss Danna says: When the Horde was shattered, men returned here and began to rebuild the once great city as a testament to our own survival.

Steven says one of the following lines:

  • Steven says: It's better than the drawings in the history tomes.
  • Steven says: Teacher, he keeps poking me!
  • Steven says: Teacher, I have to pee!
  • Steven says: Teacher, when are we gonna see the sparkly Mage Tower?
  • Steven says: Why do we have to learn this stuff anyway?

Then the group moves on:

Miss Danna says: Yes, well... let's head on to the monument dedicated to the heroes of the two Great Wars, the Valley of Heroes. Follow me.
Valley of Heroes
Miss Danna says: Isn't it amazing, children? All who enter the city must walk beneath the watchful eyes of the greatest heroes of our lands.
Miss Danna says: Breathtaking. Children, when we return to the school, you will each give an oral report on one of these legendary people.
Miss Danna says: Now, take another long look before we make our way to the Holy District and the great Cathedral of Light.


See also

External links

es:Señorita Danna