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Stonebreath Summoner

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MobStonebreath Summoner
No image available
Gender Both
Race(s) Tauren, Jungle troll (Humanoid)
Level 70
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Primalists
Location Throughway, Zaralek Cavern
Status Killable

Alerted Stormsmiths are tauren and jungle trolls located in the Throughway in the Zaralek Cavern.


  • Spell nature skinofearth.png Restorative Ward — Call upon the earth to protect a friendly target, healing them for 19691 when attacked.

Objective of


  • Crush them!
  • May the rubble rain down!
  • Prepare for the earth's embrace!
  • Return to the dirt, worm!
  • I am now but another grain of dirt...
  • I've failed you, Summitshaper...
  • The earth... welcomes me...

Patch changes

External links