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Steven Lisbane

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AllianceSteven Lisbane
Image of Steven Lisbane
Title <Master Pet Tamer>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Northern Stranglethorn [46, 40.5]
Status Alive
Companion(s) Nanners, Moonstalker, Emeralda

Steven Lisbane is a master Pet Tamer located in Northern Stranglethorn. He is surrounded by his three level 9 battle pets: Nanners, Moonstalker and Emeralda. Bill Buckler is his longtime friend.

Defeating him is required to complete the Alliance  [Taming Eastern Kingdoms] achievement.


Steven Lisbane is a hulk of a man with a deceptively polite demeanor. He resides in Northern Stranglethorn along the road between the Kal'ai Ruins and Lake Nazferiti, where weary travelers heading to the Cape or attempting to escape a Murkgill Warrior will often encounter him. Steven relishes a spirited duel; he also likes to eat live snakes using a knife and fork with his pinkie finger extended.

He might seem like a nice fellow, but he also enjoys doing things that are pretty heinous when no one's looking. In fact, during a recent trip he took to Stormwind, he kicked Crithto in the shins.[1]


Magic Emeralda
[Jade Claw]
Beast Moonstalker
Beast Nanners
[Barrel Toss]




You think you can take me down in a pet battle? Step right up and let's find out!

Patch changes


External links