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Steria Duskgrove

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NeutralSteria Duskgrove
Image of Steria Duskgrove
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 65-68
Class Mage
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Kirin Tor, Magocracy of Dalaran
Location Upper Frostlands & Slyvern Plunge, Azure Span
Status Alive
Relative(s) Callisto Windsor (lover)[1]

Steria Duskgrove is a night elf located in the Upper Frostlands in the Azure Span. She is trying to heal Sylvie the poisoned slyvern, at the annoyance of her Kirin Tor partner Callisto Windsor.

Her grandfather was a druid,[2] and despite being a mage herself she intends to wield both arcane and nature magic to make the world a safer place.





Greetings.[sic] friend. This slyvern is in dire need of our aid.

She has clear symptoms of arcane poisoning and barely has enough strength to stand much less hunt or fly.

At this rate, she may starve to death...

Callisto wants to leave her... but this could[sic] important to our research. And it's important to me...

After accepting Mossing the Mark

Arcane versus natural magic? I will use both to make the world a safer place!

After finishing Mossing the Mark

I hope I didn't upset Cally...

I understand her... she wants to do what's right by the Kirin Tor.

But sometimes we need to look past their rules.

My heart would break if I didn't help Sylvie.

After healing Sylvie

I'm glad Cally finally lent a hand... even if she didn't agree with my methods.

We've always made a good team... I hope we always will.

In front of Slyvern Ice Cave

Sylvie must not have been able to protect her family while she was sick. Poor girl.

We have to help her.

After completing the questline

<As she speaks, Steria mixes together more of the remedy you had made earlier.>

No matter how many years pass or how many disagreements we have, Cally and I find a way to talk things out.

She makes sure I do my work and I help her relax. Without one another, I doubt we'd get much of anything done!

Gossip <Ask about Steria and Callisto's relationship.>

We have known each other for quite some time.
<She glances at Callisto fondly.>
Just shy of thirty years.
We studied arcane magic and joined the Kirin Tor together. Though, we still bicker as if we had just joined forces.
Main article: Field Mages#Notes

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