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Start Dolena
End Dolena
Level 75-78
Category Hallowfall
Rewards  [Garlic Knots]
 [Stew-Stained Cape]
500x Hallowfall Arathi
25x [Resonance Crystals]
23g 40s
Previous N [75-78] Enough Garlic


Help the chef prep a meal. Stand by the chef's table and use meal prep abilities to assist.

  • Help the chef prepare a meal
  • Ask chef questions (3)


Alright, now help me finish this.


You will receive:

One-time warband bonus:


Time to cook!


Thanks, stranger. It's nice to have some company to pass the time. Good luck on your travels.


On accept, Dolena starts cooking:

Dolena says: Alright then. Get to chopping.

While chopping the vegetables, one can ask Dolena questions. One can ask Dolena about why they camp in this cave:

Dolena says: No one bothers me here. They're all afraid of the fungarians.
Dolena says: Or maybe they're afraid of me. Haha!
Dolena says: Either way, camping here means that I only have to interact with people on my terms.
Dolena says: Unless an adventurer like yourself comes around, I suppose. But you're alright.

One can ask Dolena where they learned this recipe:

Dolena says: The original recipe? Ancient history.
Dolena says: Used to work with this bloke--hardest working cook I've ever met. We all resented him for it. Made us look bad.
Dolena says: He taught it to me. His version used potatoes instead of taro.
Dolena says: I wonder if he's still alive. Would love to show him how much better my version is.

One can ask Dolena about how vegetables grow down here:

Dolena says: The taro? It's native. Or, at least, it was here before I was.
Dolena says: As for the garlic? Who knows. It shouldn't, that's for sure.
Dolena says: Live down here long enough, though, and you learn to save your energy for the mysteries that hurt.
Dolena says: No sense questioning the ones that fill your belly.

Upon completion:

Dolena says: Alright, that'll do. Come grab a bowl if you'd like.

Well? You staying or going?

Gossip Stay a while and eat quietly


  1. N [75-78] Hungry in Hollow (optional breadcrumb)
  2. N [75-78] Something Earthy
  3. N [75-78] Something Not Ruined
  4. N [75-78] Enough Garlic
  5. N [75-78] Sous

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