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Souls for the Death Loa

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HordeSouls for the Death Loa
Start Bwonsamdi
End Bwonsamdi
Level 20-60
Category Nazmir
Experience 17,850
Reputation +25 Talanji's Expedition
+250 Tortollan Seekers
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous H [20-60] Beseeching Bwonsamdi
Next H [20-60] Speaking with the Dead


Claim 10 blood troll souls within Torga.


Dere be blood trolls swarmin' all over dis place. Dey really be pickin' Torga clean, even eatin' his meat.

Dat be dark, even for me.

Da souls of dese blood trolls be corrupted by eatin' a loa. Somethin' ya should be rememberin' for future reference.

Dese souls be worth a lot ta me, more dan just da normal souls of dese blood trolls.

Get me da corrupted souls of dese blood trolls and I be callin' da spirit of Torga to ya.


You will receive:




Good! I be collectin' all their souls now.



  1. H [20-60] Catching Up
  2. H [20-60] Torga, the Turtle Loa
  3. H [20-60] Beseeching Bwonsamdi
  4. H [20-60] Cease all Summoning, H [20-60] Dreadtick Combustion & H [20-60] Souls for the Death Loa
  5. H [20-60] Speaking with the Dead
  6. H [20-60] Negative Blood
  7. H [20-60] Forcing Fate's Hand
  8. H [20-60] Crushing the Skullcrushers, H [20-60] Sanctifying Ground & H [20-60] Loa-Free Diet
  9. H [20-60] Jungo, Herald of G'huun
  10. H [20-60] Torga's Eternal Return

Alpha version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the alpha stages.


Butcher the Butchers


Dere be blood trolls swarmin' all over this place. Dey really be pickin' Torga clean. Go out dere and kill some blood trolls inside a da beast if ya want ta be talkin' ta Torga's spirit. You can be callin' it an act a good will on me part, since I already gotcha down for bringin' me lots a dere souls!

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