Smith Au'berk

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NeutralSmith Au'berk
Image of Smith Au'berk
Title <Blacksmithing Trainer>
Gender Male
Race Broker (Humanoid)
Level 10-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Cartel Au
Location Hall of Shapes, Oribos

Smith Au'berk is a broker located in the Hall of Shapes in Oribos. He teaches Maw Walkers about Shadowlands Blacksmithing crafts. After Maw Walkers bring him a memory from the Runecarver, he teaches them how to craft armors capable of holding immense power.[1]




I can instruct you in blacksmithing as well as supply the necessary tools.

How may I help you?

Trainer Train me.


  • During early alpha, his name was spelled Smith Au'brk.

Patch changes



External links