Skycarver Krakit

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MobSkycarver Krakit
Image of Skycarver Krakit
Gender Male
Race Sethrak (Humanoid)
Level 30-60 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Faithless
Location Slithering Gulch, Vol'dun[51.6, 35.8]
Status Killable

Skycarver Krakit is a sethrak vignette located on the south side of the Slithering Gulch in Vol'dun, almost directly south of the bridge leading to Skycallers' Spire. He appears to be holding a speech for two Faithless Dervishes.

He was encountered by Horde champions when they rescued the captured vulpera Dust.


  • Ability thunderking lightningwhip.png Arc Lightning — The caster cuts through the air in front of them, releasing latent electricity in a cone. Players caught in this cone suffer Nature damage.
  • Spell shaman thunderstorm.png Crack the Sky — Draws down lightning from the clouds, inflicting Nature damage to all enemies.
  • Ability skyreach four wind.png Gust — Whips up a slicing tornado in front of the caster that moves in a straight line, inflicting Nature damage to all enemies within it.


We are not bound to the loa. Our strength is our own!
Sethraliss... I'd forgotten your voice...


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