Sky-Captain Bomblast

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NeutralSky-Captain Bomblast
Image of Sky-Captain Bomblast
Title <The Iron Eagle>
Gender Male
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 40
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Steamwheedle Cartel
Location The Iron Eagle, Durotar or Stranglethorn Vale

Sky-Captain Bomblast commands The Iron Eagle, the zeppelin that runs between Orgrimmar and Grom'gol Base Camp. He runs the tightest airship in all of Azeroth, which might explain only one female goblin aboard. He claims the airship used to be fitted with twin light cannons and enough bombs to flatten a city, that her mere shadow was enough to rout armies. Brassbolts would say otherwise.



I run the tighest airship in Azeroth. She used to be fitted with twin light cannons and enough bombs to flatten a city, you know... her mere shadow was enough to rout armies.

What? Of course it's true!

Patch changes

External links