Silent Soulstalker

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MobSilent Soulstalker
Image of Silent Soulstalker
Race Soul seeker (Undead)
Level 61 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location The Rift, Korthia (Vault of Secrets) [57.6, 70.4]

Silent Soulstalker is a soul seeker located on the eastern edge of the Vault of Secrets in southern Korthia. One of the  [Conquering Korthia]-required vignettes, players must be in The Rift to interact with the soul seeker. To enter the rift, reach Rank 4 (honored) with the Archivists' Codex, then purchase a  [Repaired Riftkey] and use it on a Rift Portal on the Vault of Secrets island.

Killing Silent Soulstalker awards 80 points of standing with Ve'nari, roughly 50 [Stygia], and 300 points of threat (30% of a level) of Eye of the Jailer. The soulstalker also drops ~60x  [Relic Fragment], ~10-11x uncommon-quality anima items (50-55 anima),  [Rift-Touched Bindings], and  [Silent Soulstalker Sabatons], and is worth 5% progress toward N [60W] Shaping Fate.


  • Spell animamaw nova.png Aerial Strikes — Blasts magic into the air, inflicting Shadow damage to enemies within 9 yds of the impacts.
  • Spell shadow shadesofdarkness.png Cross the Veil — Escape across the veil, exiting the Rift and pulling all nearby players with you.
  • Inv pet inquisitoreye.png Eye Blast — Knocks all enemies within 50 yards of the impact back. Inflicts 60 Physical damage to enemies within 50 yards of the impact.
  • Spell animamaw missile.png Glare — Inflicts Shadow damage to an enemy.
  • Spell shadow spectralsight.png Rift Stare — Stalk an enemy from the Rift for 3 sec, slowing its movement speed by 80.

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