Silencing the Advisor

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AllianceSilencing the Advisor
Start Halford Wyrmbane
End Halford Wyrmbane
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Alliance War Campaign
Experience 22,310
Reputation +150 7th Legion
Rewards 46g 80s
Previous A [60] Leave None Alive
Next A [60] An End to the Killing


Kill Advisor Ko'jan.


The ship's captain is nowhere to be found. Shandris and Falstad will handle locating him.

We must go after the ship's advisor. Kelsey's logs indicate her name is Ko'jan.

She may have methods to reach out to the mainland. We have to move before she tries to use any of them.

(Slay Ko'jan before she can send word of the Alliance's location!)


You will receive:


Let's get moving.


It sounds like fighting up above has stopped. I trust Falstad and Shandris have the ship's captain.

Let's see if they managed to capture him alive.


Advisor Ko'jan says: You are too late! De captain is already reporting your location to Princess Talanji.
Advisor Ko'jan says: Hah... de captain... will... kill all of you...


  1. A [60] Operation: Heartstrike
  2. A [60] Bringing Down the Fleet
  3. A [60] How to Sink a Zandalari Battleship
  4. A [60] Under the Cover of Swiftwing
  5. A [60] Sabotaging the Pa'ku & A [60] Ship Logs
  6. A [60] The Enlarged Miniaturized Submarine
  7. A [60] My Enemy's Enemy is My Disguise
  8. A [60] Intelligence Denial & A [60] Void Vacation & A [60] Right Beneath Their Nose
  9. A [60] Victory is Assured
  10. A [60] Victory Was Assured
  11. A [60] Leave None Alive
  12. A [60] Silencing the Advisor
  13. A [60] An End to the Killing
  14. A [60] Champion: Shandris Feathermoon

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