My Enemy's Enemy is My Disguise

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AllianceMy Enemy's Enemy is My Disguise
Start Shandris Feathermoon
End Shandris Feathermoon
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Alliance War Campaign
Experience 1,790
Rewards 2g 34s
Previous A [60] The Enlarged Miniaturized Submarine
Next A [60] Intelligence Denial


Speak with Magister Umbric to be disguised as a blood troll.

  • Blood troll disguise complete


We need you to kill several targets within Warport Rastari, but we also cannot reveal that the Alliance is here.

Umbric has uncovered a ritual from Nazmir that will grant you a blood troll disguise. It is grim, but it must be done.

You will go through with the ritual, then use my invisibility flask to sneak into the Warport.

If discovered, the Zandalari and Horde will think it's a bold attack from the blood trolls... and not from the Alliance.


You will receive:

  • 2g 34s
  • 1,790 XP


I know this is unpleasant, but it must be done.


I have to admit, this disguise is uncanny. Let's hope the zandalari believe they are dealing with a bold blood troll and not the Alliance.


Speaking with Umbric

Gossip Umbric, I'm ready to become a blood troll.

Umbric uses Void magic to do Blood Troll Transformation.
Magister Umbric says: I apologize for the pain and unseemliness of this ritual, <name>.
Magister Umbric says: But we cannot risk even one member of the Alliance being seen within Warport Rastari.
Magister Umbric says: There. You are now... a blood troll. At least temporarily.
The players becomes Disguised.


  1. A [60] Operation: Heartstrike
  2. A [60] Bringing Down the Fleet
  3. A [60] How to Sink a Zandalari Battleship
  4. A [60] Under the Cover of Swiftwing
  5. A [60] Sabotaging the Pa'ku & A [60] Ship Logs
  6. A [60] The Enlarged Miniaturized Submarine
  7. A [60] My Enemy's Enemy is My Disguise
  8. A [60] Intelligence Denial & A [60] Void Vacation & A [60] Right Beneath Their Nose
  9. A [60] Victory is Assured
  10. A [60] Victory Was Assured
  11. A [60] Leave None Alive
  12. A [60] Silencing the Advisor
  13. A [60] An End to the Killing
  14. A [60] Champion: Shandris Feathermoon

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